Influenszerek, akik megmutatták, hogy a kantáros nadrágon túl is van lehetőség a kismamák öltözködésében. Pár hete Rihanna kismamasága már abba a szakaszba lépett, hogy látványos pocakja teret ad a lehető legextrémebb kismama...
A few weeks ago I flew to Los Angeles to attend my best friend’s wedding. It was a “Mexigarian” party, because the bride is Hungarian and the groom is American...
Let me dive deeper into the history of the Oscars of the fashion world. The story behind this fascinating fashion event is very important. According to Vogue’s short documentary it...
Hello Fashion Lovers, I was thinking about showing you my favourite outfit ideas for Spring. The weather is very unpredictable these days. One warm, sunny day followed by a cold,...
We are in the middle of spring season, but the weather is still unpredictable. To cheer you up a little bit, we would like to inspire you with Kendall Jenner's...