GANNI is constantly working on becoming more sustainable and planet friendly. To date they have selected three initiatives where they have achieved success in, Gender Equality, Responsible Production and Consumption, and Climate Action. GANNI is committed to creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce across their Copenhagen, London and US head offices and retail locations. As their company grows, they are intent on building teams that represent a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, cultures and experiences at every level, globally. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to apply. GANNI has introduced more responsible fibres into their collection, finding the best versions the industry has to offer for their three most used fibres, cotton, polyester and viscose. They keep a close eye on any potentially harmful chemicals and proactively find alternative solutions that are less harmful. GANNI aims to eliminate plastic, they innovate so that the unneeded plastic can be resued, recycled or composted; and circulate everything thye use to keep it in the economy and out of the environment. These are just a few of many changes that GANNI has implemented in the last year to become a more conscious brand and many are yet to come!