Prada is a renowned luxury fashion brand that was established in 1913 by Mario Prada in Milan, Italy. Initially, Prada primarily focused on manufacturing and selling leather goods, such as bags, trunks, and accessories. Mario Prada's granddaughter, Miuccia Prada, joined the company in 1978, bringing a fresh perspective and a bold vision that would transform Prada into a global fashion powerhouse. Under Miuccia's leadership, Prada expanded its offerings to include clothing, footwear, and eyewear, garnering attention and acclaim from the fashion industry. Miuccia Prada draws inspiration from a wide range of sources, including art, architecture, and society, infusing her collections with intellectual concepts and a sense of subversiveness. Prada is known for its minimalist approach, clean lines, and impeccable craftsmanship, showcasing a perfect balance between tradition and innovation. Prada designs exude sophistication and a sense of understated luxury that has captivated fashion enthusiasts worldwide.