After ten years of seeing magazines and americans live their life in fashionable joggings, finally the trend is out to owned by all.
...seems like
Since the beginning of the pandemic we all got stuck in our homes. Sometimes it was overwhelming, that the only journey to get to the "office", was from my bed to the desk - and it was just a few steps. For a very long time, in the mornings I sat in my PJs, coffee in my hand and started working straight from the kitchen. The days went by and boundaries became a blur between work and life. Till the moment, when I saw an article, where psychologist spoke about the importance of the morning and daily routine. Normally we wake up, have breakfast, dress up and go to work. To keep these habits in the home office environment just helps us to tune in and to feel good in our skin. For the overall effect, put on your best outfit with your favourite perfume.
Believe me, this article isn't about, that the only reason you can feel good about yourself is if you dress well. More about how mentally refreshing a morning shower can be, the smell of a clean clothes or a hint of make up. Since childhood we've been taught that when we go to sleep, we put our PJs on, and automatically it takes you to a mental state, where tiredness kicks in. But to stay in the same clothes on a Monday morning, not so ideal. Just wear your outfit the way you would go to work, so your subconscious will focus more on work. Prepare for the day physically and psychologically and reach a new level of productivity.
Find your balance! It doesn't mean you have to wear high heels and suits, include the home office perks as you wish. For example, a fashionable sweatshirt and jogger can be your new, ultimate, comfy office outfit.
Fortunately, there are brands, who prepared to shake up your homewear. For example, GANNI has cool jogging sets, which can make your office days more comfortable at your table but also ready and dressed for running some errands or popping out for some groceries.
May the pandemic bring the fashion of comfort. Focus on quality and combine it with trendy items. See our styling ideas below on how you can leave the house in a jogging set and still make it look fashion:

And here comes the
trench back, but with a different outcome. The next one makes the whole outfit cooler with its vegan leather texture from Low Classic. The sweater just matches the
oval bag and with the
Baum und Pferdgarten's Noberta trousers is just the perfect office look-pretend. And last, the
V-lock Veja, the celebrities favourite with the
striped Lainey socks ars just an extra, which highlight the outfit even more.

If you'd vote for
Adelphine sweatshirt's brown version, here you can see the most exciting outfit of all. How can be something so simple but still fashionable? Let the picture speak for itself. In the current situation with Covid-19, we can walk free at the park at least, and if you think about it, probably has its good perks, like every day's long walks in nature. But why not do it in style? Just wear the
Bethany checkerd coat with a matching
Lainey socks, the
MSGM boyfriend jeans wrapped up. Spice up your look with
Danse Lente's Lola bag, and with the
mint green Veja shoes.
When working from home, and there is no chance for going out, just layer on all the jewellery you want, to feel extra for the next zoom meeting. More necklaces, golden earrings and pearl hoops. These are little somethings, what give you the spark of the day.